Ramkrishna Sarda Mission
SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, the great patriot saint of India, had an unerring vision of the rejuvenation of his motherland. With a firm conviction, he said, “ The national ideals of India are renunciation and service. Intensify her in those channels, and the rest will take care of itself.” With this end in view, he founded the Ramakrishna Math and Mission organizations to train a band of Sannyasins to attain Self-realization, to serve the world in all possible ways and to preach Vedanta. These organizations have been carrying on various activities for many years in the field of culture, education etc. In India and abroad, ministering to the needs of the public, irrespective of caste, creed, and nationality.
While founding the above organizations, Swami Vivekananda had an idea of starting similar organizations for women, for he knew that there would be no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women was improved as it was not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing. In one of his letters, he said, “ Hence it is that my first endeavor is to start a Math for women.” He also wrote,”With Holy Mother as the center of inspiration, a Math is to be established on the eastern bank of the Ganga. As Brahmacharins and Sadhus will be trained in this Math(Belur Math) so in the other Math also, Brahmacharinis and Sadhvis will be trained.”